Standard Videographers
Choosing your live stream package doesn’t have to be complicated. However, understanding why mobility matters will help you choose the best live stream production. Many wedding videographers, and live streamers, rely solely on cameras set on stationary tripods to capture your event. Typically their equipment must remain stationary to be produced from one area of the room. This can be frustrating for your virtual guests, especially if the setting changes and the camera shot is no longer ideal. Or if a wedding guest unknowingly walks directly in from of the camera. In addition, using the same shots on repeat can cause viewer fatigue. The virtual guest can become uninterested if only viewing a single camera shot or a limited repeat selection.
Multiple roaming cameras
Give your guests the most engaging experience they will never forget! At Galligan Media we offer a
multi camera package with additional roaming camera operators. Our mobile camera operators are able to move about unhindered! This allows our team to get the very best live shots for your virtual guests to enjoy. The views are thoughtfully selected and produced live, so your virtual guest is not viewing the same scene for a lengthy period. Instead, the cameras shots are seamlessly switching from one view to another.
Always the best shot
When Anjana asked us to stream her wedding at
Stone Crest Venue in Mckinney, Texas, she was concerned about the restricted views her virtual guests might see. Her wedding would include many culturally traditional elements that invite in-person guests to gather around the bride and groom at close proximity. A simple tripod set up would have bored the virtual viewer with basic crowd shots showing just the backs of in-person guests. At best, they might see extremely limited views of the bride and groom.
Fortunately, Anjana purchased the multi camera package with the additional mobile camera operators. With our roaming cameras, we were able to capture each lively element of the celebration. From the floral exchange to the singing, and everything in between. The virtual guests had better views than those attending in-person since our team was able to be front and center for each important moment!